Dr. Germán Newall MD, FACS, FICS - Biografía
El Dr. Newall es reconocido como uno de los principales cirujanos plásticos de Houston. Es
certificado por la junta, por la prestigiosa Sociedad Estadounidense de Cirujanos Plásticos (ASPS) la cual, debido
a sus estándares elevados, es una de las juntas más rigurosas, para ser aceptado como un cirujano. Más aún, el Dr.
Newall, tiene afiliaciones en las siguientes organizaciones respetadas de cirugía plástica: La sociedad
Estadounidense de Cirujanos Plásticos de Estética (ASAPS), La Sociedad Internacional de Cirujanos Plásticos de
Estética (ISAPS), Miembro del Colegio Estadounidense de Cirujanos (FACS), Miembro del Colegio Internacional de
Cirujanos (FICS), Miembro de la Asociación Estadounidense de Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva (AAFPRS).
Además de su prestigiosa inclusión en las juntas más reconocidas en Estados Unidos y el mundo,
el Dr. Newall tiene los privilegios del plantel, en los hospitales más renombrados de Houston. Las contribuciones
del Dr. Newall al campo de la estética han sido extensas, especialmente en las áreas de rejuvenecimiento facial,
contorneo de los senos y del cuerpo. Como una respetada autoridad en la liposucción, el Dr. Newall tiene
investigaciones avanzadas importantes, en el desarrollo de técnicas más seguras y efectivas de liposucción. El Dr.
Newall ha refinado su técnica en lipoescultura, afinamiento abdominal y liposucción de gran volumen, al utilizar
minicánulas más pequeñas, para tratar áreas con problemas específicos y esculpirlos de una forma más proporcional y
estética. Como resultado de su técnica refinada, los pacientes experimentarán, habitualmente, un mejor resultado y
una recuperación más rápida.
En las áreas de rejuvenecimiento facial, sus innovaciones en el estiramiento de la cara,
estiramiento de los ojos y esculpido de las cejas, han permitido una cicatrización más rápida, con un tiempo de
recuperación mínimo. Debido a sus técnicas innovadoras recientes, se le ha pedido que presente los resultados en al
ámbito nacional e internacional y utilizar su destreza y experiencia para enseñar a otros cirujanos que estén
interesados en perfeccionar su técnica.

Liposuction is a popular type of cosmetic surgery. It removes
unwanted deposits of excess fat, to improve body appearance and to smooth irregular or distorted body shapes. The
procedure is sometimes called body contouring. Liposuction may be useful for
contouring under the chin, neck, cheeks, upper arms, breasts, abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, calves, and
ankle areas. However, liposuction is a serious surgical procedure and may involve a painful recovery.
Because liposuction can have serious or occasionally fatal complications, you should carefully think about your
decision to have this surgery.
Before your surgery, you will have an initial patient consultation, which will include a history,
physical exam, and a psychological evaluation. You may need to bring someone (such as your spouse) with you during
the visit. You may need a second consultation to give you time to think over the surgery.
You should feel free to ask questions, and to feel satisfied with the answers to those questions. A
properly informed person makes a better patient. You must understand fully the pre-operative preparations, the
liposuction procedure, and the post-operative care. Understand that liposuction may enhance your appearance and
self-confidence, but it will probably not give you your ideal body.
Contouring > Liposuction |
Body Contouring / Liposuction
35 year old female before and after lipo sculpture. Now she looks and feels more
athletic, boosting her self esteem.
Dr. German Newall
Contouring > Liposuction |
Body Contouring / Liposuction
Young female before and roughly one month after liposculpture of abdomen, flanks
and thighs.
Dr. German Newall
Contouring > Liposuction |
Body Contouring / Liposuction
Young woman before and three months after large volume liposuction. (Full body
with approximately 25 lbs. pure fat removed)
Dr. German Newall
Contouring > Butt Lift |
Body Contouring / Butt Lift
This young woman was concerned about her sagging buttocks area and unwanted fat
deposits. After a consultation with Dr. Newall she decided to undergo an advanced
surgical technique commonly referred to as the “Brazilian” butt lift. Notice
how the buttock has been lifted and a fuller contour achieved with this remarkable
surgical procedure.
Dr. German Newall
Contouring > Butt Lift |
liposuction / Buttock Lift
This young woman in her early thirties was interested in having her buttock enhanced.
After a consultation with Dr. Newall she decided to have fat grafting augmentation to
her buttock. This specialized fat grafting procedure provides a very natural
Note the enhanced buttock and contour achieved with this procedure.
Dr. German Newall
Contouring > Butt Lift |
Body Contouring / Butt Lift & Liposuction
Dr. Newall performed liposuction of the abdomen, flanks, and back in combination with
fat grafting to the buttocks (butt lift). Notice the wonderful results achieved
without a tummy tuck.
Dr. German Newall
Contouring > Butt Lift |
Body Contouring / Butt Lift
Dr. Newall used liposuction to reduce this woman's waist and give her a more youthful
feminine curve. Her own fat cells removed during liposuction were then injected
into her buttocks to give her a full butt and slightly raised from its previous
position. This procedure known as a Brazilian Buttlift or just plain Butt Lift is
medically known as fat graft to the buttocks. Using your own tissue to augment
the buttocks better choice for most women than butt implants.
Dr. German Newall
Contouring > Butt Lift |
Body Contouring / Butt Lift
Dr. Newall performed liposuction and fat grafting to give this patient a more
youthful shape. He also performed a procedure called fat grafting to the
buttocks to give it a more rounded and uplifted
appearance. This procedure is commonly referred to as a
Brazilian Butt lift.
Dr. German Newall
Contouring > Butt Lift |
Body Contouring / Butt Lift
This patient came to Dr. Newall desiring a leaner athletic look and a lift of her
buttocks. Dr. Newall performed liposuction to give her that leaner look and used
her own fat to perform a Brazilian Butt Lift.
Dr. German Newall
Contouring > Liposculpture |
Several different liposuction procedures exist:
Tumescent liposuction (fluid injection) is the most common type of liposuction. It involves injecting a large
amount of medicated solution into the areas before the fat is removed (sometimes, the solution may be up to three
times the volume of fat to be removed). The fluid is a mixture of local anesthetic (lidocaine), a drug that
contracts the blood vessels (epinephrine), and an intravenous (IV) salt solution. The lidocaine in the mixture
helps to numb the area during and after surgery, and may be the only anesthesia needed for the procedure. The
epinephrine in the solution helps reduce the loss of blood, the amount of bruising, and the amount of swelling from
the surgery. The IV solution helps remove the fat more easily and it is suctioned out along with the fat. This type
of liposuction generally takes longer than other types.
The super-wet technique is similar to tumescent liposuction. The difference is that not as much fluid is used
during the surgery--the amount of fluid injected is equal to the amount of fat to be removed. This technique takes
less time; however, it often requires sedation with an IV or general anesthesia.
Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL) is a fairly new technique, used in the U.S. since 1996. During this
technique, ultrasonic vibrations are used to liquefy fat cells. After the cells are liquefied, they can be vacuumed
out. UAL can be done in two ways, external (above the surface of the skin with a special emitter) or internal
(below the surface of the skin with a small, heated cannula). This technique may help remove fat from dense,
fiber-filled (fibrous) areas of the body such as the upper back or enlarged male breast tissue. UAL is often used
together with the tumescent technique, in follow-up (secondary) procedures, or for greater precision. In general,
this procedure takes longer than the super-wet technique.
Before the day of surgery you may have blood drawn and be asked to provide a urine sample. This allows the
health care provider to rule out potential complications. If you are not hospitalized, you will need a ride home
after the surgery.
A liposuction machine and special instruments are used for this surgery. The surgical team first preps the
operative site and administers either local or general anesthesia. Through a small skin incision, a suction tube
with a sharp end is inserted into the fat pockets and swept through the area where fat is to be removed. The
dislodged fat is "vacuumed" away through the suction tube. A vacuum pump or a large syringe provides the suction
action. Several skin punctures may be needed to treat large areas.
After the fat is removed, small drainage tubes may be inserted into the defatted areas to remove blood and fluid
that gather during the first few days after surgery. If you lose a lot of fluid or blood during the surgery, you
may meed fluid replacement (intravenously) or a blood transfusion.
After the surgery, bandages are applied to keep pressure on the area and stop any bleeding, as well as to help
maintain shape. Bandages are usually kept in place for at least 2 weeks. Your doctor may call you from time to time
to check on your health and to monitor your healing. A visit back to the surgeon after 5-7 days is often
recommended. Sometimes people gain weight after liposuction. This is due to the increased fluid from surgery.
Liposuction may or may not require a hospital stay, depending on the location and extent of surgery. Liposuction
can be done in an office-based facility, in a surgery center on an outpatient basis, or in a hospital. For reasons
of cost and convenience, liposuction of smaller volumes is usually done as an outpatient. You may need to stay in a
hospital if a larger volume of fat is being removed, or if you are having other procedures done at the same