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"Beauty is Our Purpose"

Dr. Newall and Dr Mentz are board certified plastic surgeons in Houston Texas. They have been in practice over 20 years where both Dr Newal and Mentz are internationally known in the fields of liposuction facelifts and body contouring.

Houston Facelift - Dr Mentz MD, FICS, FACS 

Facelift ( Rhytidectomy ) The facelift restores a more youthful, smooth appearance to the face through the removal of excess skin, and a tightening of underlying tissues and muscles. The correction of sagging cheeks and jowls gives the face a more uplifted, refreshed appearance and restores a defined contour to the jaw-line. A facelift is often performed in conjunction with a brow lift, eyelid surgery, and a neck lift.

Facial Rejuvenation Procedures Over time,  the effects of aging, sun damage, and lifestyle habits are increasingly reflected on the face. Skin elasticity begins to erode, which leads to an increase in the number and depth of wrinkles and folds that appear around the face. In addition, the facial fat that contributes to a youthful, supple appearance begins to diminish, causing the face to become more hollow and gaunt in areas such as the cheek pads, temples and lower lids.

Facial Rejuvenation Facelift
Facial Rejuvenation / Face Lift

Age: 62

Assesment:  After listening to the patient and understanding her goal was to maintain her competitive edge in the work place Dr. Mentz determined that he needed to turn back the clock 10 or more years.  To accomplish this he needed to use a combination of the latest facial rejuvenation techniques.

Plan of Action:  Double layer SMAS facelift, necklift, endoscopic browlift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, fat graft to the cheeks, laugh lines, chin and lip area.

Note:  Take notice of her beautiful eyes.  The brows are in a nice elevated position and look very natural.  The jawline is strong, clean and is key to the elegant angle of the neck.  Dr. Mentz was able to restore this patient's youthful appearance that had been lost to time.

Dr. Henry Mentz

Facial Rejuvenation > Facelift
Facial Rejuvenation / Face Lift

Age: 48

Assesment:  After consulting and listening to this patient's needs Dr. Mentz determined that she wanted a more polished fresh look.  She had just started to notice the laxity in the skin and the tired appearance of her eyes.

Plan of Action:  Endoscopic browlift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, double layer SMAS facelift and necklift, fat grafting of the cheeks, laugh lines and chin area.

Note:  Take notice of the significant improvement with modest changes in the contours of the cheek, eyes and mouth.  Restoration of cheek fullness and strength in the jawline brings freshness and elegance to her facial features.


Facial Rejuvenation > Blepharoplasty
Facial Rejuvenation / Blepharoplasty

Age:  55

Assesment:  After listening to the patient and understanding that her goal was to look as great on the outside as she felt on the inside, Dr. Mentz determined that the flatness of the cheek and sagging of the midface was making her appear tired or sad.  He knew he needed to restore volume to her face, redirect the angles of her jawline, brow and eyes and place them in a more youthful position.

Plan of Action:  Double layer SMAS facelift, endoscopic browlift, upper and lower eyes, fat graft laughlines, cheeks, and chin area.

Note:  Take notice of the improvement in the skin laxity and the jowling is completely gone.  Her eyes and brows are beautiful and feminine again.

Dr. Henry Mentz

Facial Rejuvenation > Facelift
Facial Rejuvenation / Face Lift

Patients with fullness and sagging of the soft
tissues can show aging prematurely. Precise contouring and resuspension
of soft tissues can improve beauty and restore youthfulness. Careful
tayloring of each operation to fit individual need is especially
necessary in facial surgery.

Dr. Henry Mentz

Body Contouring > Hips - Waist - thighs and Buttocks
Body Contouring / Hips - Waist - Thighs and Buttocks

This patient desired full body liposuction to restore her natural body contour. Dr. Mentz liposuctioned her abdomen, hips, thighs and knees. In addition to full body liposuction Dr. Mentz also provided this patient with a tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty)
Dr. Henry Mentz

Body Contouring > Large Liposuction
Body Contouring / Large Liposuction

This 28 year old had liposuction of the abdomen, hips, thighs, and knees. A 4 liter removal changed her size from an 8 to a 4 and she feels better in and out of clothes.
Dr. Henry Mentz