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"Beauty is Our Purpose"

Dr. Newall and Dr Mentz are board certified plastic surgeons in Houston Texas. They have been in practice over 20 years where both Dr Newal and Mentz are internationally known in the fields of liposuction facelifts and body contouring.

Liposuction • Tummy Tuck • Butt Lift • Thigh Lift • Arm Lift • Lower Body Lift

Body ContouringDr. Newall and Dr Mentz are award-winning plastic surgeons in Houston, Texas who draw patients from all around the world for our doctors' skillful abilities to transform the body through contouring surgery. ACPS's surgeons possess a valuable combination of both surgical expertise and the artistic vision that is required to resculpt the body successfully.

The goal of body contouring surgery is to restore attractive contour lines to the body for both men and women. Almost any area of the body where you desire improvement can be targeted, including:

Body contouring surgery in Houston encompasses a range of procedures designed to reshape the body, including:

  • Liposuction
  • Tummy Tuck / Abdominoplasty Procedure
  • Buttocks Lift
  • Buttocks Augmentation
  • Lower Body Lift
  • Thigh Lift
  • Arm Lift

Patients may choose to have a single procedure which targets a specific region of the body. Or they may elect to have a combination of procedures performed in a single surgery, such as liposuction with a tummy tuck, or a buttocks lift in combination with buttocks augmentation and a thigh lift. A lower body lift corrects sagging and restores proportionate contour lines to the waist, hips and outer thighs. It is often combined with a tummy tuck / abdominoplasty to restore an attractive, balanced appearance to the lower body.

Common Trouble Zones

Houston Female Patient Before and After Body ContouringMany individuals find that, despite their efforts to improve their bodies through diet and exercise, certain areas remain resistant to reshaping. Body contouring surgery corrects such common body complaints as:

  • Saddlebags that give the hips a disproportionate appearance
  • Sagging / Flattened Buttocks
  • Sagging / Heavy Thighs
  • Abdominal flabbiness and bulging
  • Back fat that bulges out of undergarments
  • Muffin Top / Love Handles: the flab that accumulates around the waist and abdominal region
  • Arms with flabby or hanging skin

In body contouring procedures, our surgeons tighten and lift sagging skin and tissues, and they remove excess fat to firm, smooth, and resculpt the body. The recovery time for body contouring procedures varies, depending on the complexity of the procedures and the physical condition of the patient. Liposuction alone requires a recovery time of approximately 5-7 days, while recovery from tummy tuck / abdominoplasty surgery is typically about 2 weeks.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Body Contouring Procedures?

  • Individuals who are within a normal weight range, but who desire to enhance the look of their bodies
  • Women who have experienced pregnancy who desire to restore their bodies' pre-pregnancy appearance
  • Individuals who have experienced large weight loss, which typically leaves behind loose, sagging skin

Our Houston plastic surgeons look forward to working with you to develop a plan to help you achieve the appearance you desire for your body.

www.drnewall.com * www.drmentz.com